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bull neck造句

"bull neck"是什么意思  
  • At nine apiece, both sides miss, before a sinewy forward with a bull neck casts off.
  • The hulking 43-year-old has a bull neck and hamlike hands, and even his Elvis-length sideburns seem to bristle with aggression.
  • At the time, he was a 6-foot, 200-pounder with a bull neck and silver hair, who had run the Kansas City police force for a dozen years.
  • An original road bridge with stone and brick viaduct at Bull Neck Run, and a massive stone retaining wall at Pimmit Run in Arlington County are notable survivors.
  • But Golsteyn, whose shaved head, bull neck and thick moustache make him appear more like a sergeant major than a union boss, argued that unhappy soldiers were inferior soldiers.
  • Reid has slimmed down from his 255-pound playing weight, but at 6 feet 3 inches he still has the bull neck and massive thighs of a National Football League defensive tackle.
  • The Newfoundland shares many traits with other Mastiffs, such as the St . Bernard and English Mastiff, including stout legs, massive heads with very broad snouts, a thick bull neck, and a very sturdy bone structure.
  • Speed next arranges for Chaney to take on the city's undefeated bare-knuckle fighter Jim Henry ( Robert Tessier ), an intimidating brawler with a bald pate and bull neck, who is bankrolled by wealthy businessman Chick Gandil ( Michael McGuire ).
  • The river forms the community's northern and eastern borders, and a number of its smaller tributaries flow north and northeast through the CDP . From west to east, these include Bull Neck Run, Scott Run, Dead Run, Turkey Run, and Pimmit Run.
  • Garrett was the only clown in the R . C . A . known to protect his fallen rider by jumping body first onto the face of the bull, wrapping his legs around the bulls nose and his arms around the bulls neck.
  • It's difficult to see bull neck in a sentence. 用bull neck造句挺难的
  • In his 1941 essay " The Lion and the Unicorn ", Orwell referred to two important sub-sections of the middle class, one of which was the military and imperialistic middle class, nicknamed the Blimps, and characterised by the " half-pay ( i . e retired ) colonel with his bull neck and diminutive brain ".
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